One Click and Done!
Reduce front desk stress and easily integrate making the whole process easy for staff and fast for patients!

How it works
- Drop patient information directly from Dental Symphony into Open Dental fields, medical alerts into the medical summary section, and place chronologically ordered documents into the image section with one click!
- Read the appointment list to send new and updating patients the correct message from the office. Send new patient and update forms to your appointment list.
- Post online payments to the patient's ledger!

How it works
- Move patient information directly into Dentrix Ascend fields, add medical alerts, and place documents into the document section.
- Read the appointment list to send new and updating patients the correct message from the office. Send new patient and update forms to your appointment list.

How it works
- Drop patient information directly from Dental Symphony into Eaglesoft fields, and place chronologically ordered documents into Smartdoc with one click!
- Read the appointment list to send new and updating patients the correct message from the office.

How it works
- Drop patient information directly from Dental Symphony into Dentrix family file fields, medical alerts into the medical alert notes section,and we build chronologically organized folders in every patient’s document center.
- Read the appointment list to send new and updating patients the correct message from the office. Send new patient and update forms to your appointment list.